Parents and kids love WeFlow’s binder!
What is the abdominal binder?
It is a soft system that supports your child’s torso and helps strengthen the tissues of the torso.
When you wrap your child’s abdomen you are immediately improving the tension around the area (remember the right tension of the fascial system is what holds the posture). With the binder on your child has better posture (less collapsed). The binder supports the structure without limiting the movements.
But, there is another great benefit your child gets from wearing the binder, and this is the main reason why we recommend it: The binder captures the movements that happen inside your child’s torso with every breath and, as it has some soft material inside, it serves as a fascia remodelling tool to strengthen your child’s tensional system (the jello) (check this entry where we explain this).
This video shows these movements. The binder, with the soft inserts it has, helps transfer this action throughout your child’s torso to stimulate the tissues and makes them stronger.
And, this movement also helps with bowel movements. Kids wearing the binder are less prone to suffer from constipation.
WeFlow´s tip for you!
Wrapping your child’s abdomen with WeFlow’s binder or with an abdominal support will give stability to the child’s torso and will help strengthen your child’s abdomen.
To start doing fascia therapy with your child, learn the first exercise to improve torso control here.