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Mariana Barreto

Fascia: Our bodies are like a large fruit jelly mold

Updated: Aug 21, 2024

To understand how WeFlow works it is important to learn about fascia.

The way our body is built could be represented, in the most simplistic manner, as a fruit jelly mould, where the suspended fruits are the organs, the muscles, the bones, the arteries, the veins and the nerves. The jelly is the fascia that holds everything together.

“Fascia is the tissue within between”*. It is is like a spider web - a good 3D one! that goes around every single part of the body. It doesn’t only wrap everything, it is invested through everything, because the body, as embryo, was formed in fascia.

Fascia connects everything, like a Velcro® that keeps everything in place. But at the same time, it keeps the body organized, separating it into different compartments and levels. Whatever belongs to the back, stays on the back, or what belongs to the neck, stays on the neck, etc. Fascia also allows the proper gliding between the structures, like lubricant between gear wheels. It has a crucial role in force transmission.

If we take the fruits away, then the jelly keeps its form. Our posture depends on the support the fascia gives when working properly. We are designed to be very efficient (to consume the least energy), so we only need to use our muscles to move or to adjust our posture, not to hold ourselves up all the time. In other words, our body, relying on the fascial system and all the tensional forces within it, is able to balance itself, to keep one position with the minimum amount of muscles working for it. Then when moving, the fascial system is in charge of transferring all the forces generated by the muscles.

It is really important to understand this concept, especially when we want to get some head or trunk control, as we don’t want the muscles to be holding up your child all the time – he would get exhausted! We'd rather target the fascial system and build it, so that holds him up instead.

Fascia is the main structure we are addressing in WeFlow. We are targeting different layers and different levels, including the deepest one that is inside the cranial vault. Scientists are paying close attention to this structure that is gaining more importance in the health care field. They are still debating its anatomy, its roles, its processes. As we learn from their discoveries and conclusions, what we feel with our hands makes more and more sense.

To start doing fascia therapy with your child, learn the first exercise to improve torso control here.

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