Gain head and trunk control
Reduce spasticity and regulate muscular tone
Promote more natural movements
Improve posture
Organize the sensory system
Regulate vital functions
Improve overall quality of life
Online Services
20-Minute routine to relax your child's legs
A gentle and effective routine to relax the legs of their children.
10-Ideas to Develop your Child's Hands
Stimulate the development of your child’s hand by working on the fascial system.
for your child
Thanks to technology, we can work together when travelling to our office is not an option.
What People Say
We do the exercises while our son sleeps. He doesn’t even know we are doing this therapy. I notice more flexibility in his legs and he is moving them more.
Ontario, Canada
His legs are so relaxed that his PT believes he doesn't need the surgery anymore!
We cancelled the surgery.
Massachusetts, USA
... I did the leg relaxation routine and his legs got so soft it was really nice to feel.