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Essential Fascia Therapy

for Cerebral Palsy

A step-by-step program for beginners where you learn how to implement at home fascia therapy for your child.

This course gives you what you need to start a fascia therapy program to boost your child's development. From the mindset, a bit of theory, to the fundamental techniques that address your child's fascia, and the support you need to succeed!

Registration is now closed.

This course will be available again in April 2021.

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This course is for you if...

You are an ambitious parent and you want the best for your child.
  • You want to be empowered with skills that really help your child.

  • You want to learn how to help your child at home, at your own pace.

  • You've been told that fascia therapy can help your child but you don't know how to start.

You can help your child go beyond expectations.

Let's get into action!

Con WeFlow puedes ayudar a tu hijo(a) a:

  • Desarrollar control de cabeza y tronco

  • Reducir espasticidad y regular el tono muscular

  • Promover movimientos más naturales

  • Mejorar la postura

  • Organizar el sistema sensorial

  • Regular las funciones vitales

  • Mejorar la calidad de vida

Empower yourself and help your child. 


Buy the course 


Learn what to do and why


Implement your routine at home and see your child thrive!

  • Desarrollar control de cabeza y tronco

  • Reducir espasticidad y regular el tono muscular

  • Promover movimientos más naturales

  • Mejorar la postura

  • Organizar el sistema sensorial

  • Regular las funciones vitales

  • Mejorar la calidad de vida

Esto es lo que dicen nuestras familias 



I love everything about the course! My favorite thing is that I can go back and review the segments when I have a question as I'm doing the program. I also really like the document at the end. I printed it out and keep it with all of my fascia set inside a basket in the family room.

About the routine proposed in the program... Yes, it's easy and my child loves it. It is part of our bonding and relaxation routine before bed.



I have witnessed a complete change in her trunk tone which used to be very low tone and floppy.  Her trunk is now strong and stable .  She immediately within 2 weeks of starting Weflow began to pull to stand.



I am very grateful to Mariana and your team at WeFlow Therapy. My child has Spastic Cerebral Palsy, Hydrocephalus and a feeding tube. We joined the program one year ago and since then I have seen tremendous improvement in her breathing, posture and spasticity. I live in Uganda, East Africa and I was happy to find an online program that help my daughter.





Before starting with WeFlow Therapy we were diligently applying other therapies and achieving very little. In just a few weeks of using these techniques and binders, we saw our daughter's body change with more definition and tone. We saw immediate results with the binding. She stopped vocalizing loudly and stopped pronating and stretching her legs out. She became much more relaxed. Mariana helped us understand what our child needed and the role of the fascia. We were very grateful to learn so much and now to apply it.

Esto es lo que dicen nuestras familias 

Over the last 10 years, we’ve been teaching parents how to do fascia therapy with their children… and we have learned a lot along the way!


“Mariana please, keep it simple, help me understand why and show me exactly what to do!”  This is what you are getting in this course. 


We are giving you what you need, to EMPOWER you! This is not just a protocol to follow. These are not just techniques. This is a program that will help you understand:


• why you want to do this in the first place

• how you will make it happen. All you need is 3 blocks of 20 minutes each day (and yes, you can work with your child while they sleep).

• why targeting fascia matters so much

• how to assess your child’s structure


You will learn about the tools you need to stimulate your child’s fascia, the techniques explained step-by-step and details on how to implement the whole program, how to organize your schedule and how to take care of your own body (as you are the one doing the exercises).


Let’s have a look into the plan:

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Mindset matters: Results will come! That is a fact. You will be helping your child with this fascia therapy and you will see changes. You will be empowered! And for that, we will dig deep to understand our why. You will learn strategies for how to make this very doable. And you will be part of a supportive community in which you will grow in, share experiences with, and learn from. 



• Understand the why

• Discover you have the time (even when you thought you didn’t).

• Feel you belong. You are not alone and we are in this together.

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Understanding the concept: It is important that you understand the framework in which this approach is based on. We are sharing a bit of theory explained with examples so it is easy to understand and we immediately demonstrate how these concepts apply to your child. You will learn how to assess your child so you can track the improvements that will come. And you will also learn about the mechanisms we will be boosting with this therapy. 



• Understanding fascia and biotensegrity as the base of this therapy. 

• The assessment of your child. What to look at when seeing the child. 

• The mechanisms that will boost the child’s development. 

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The exercises: The safest and easiest way to address your child’s fascial system is by using soft tools. In these modules you are learning what tools to use, how to get them or make them at home. We are giving you detailed information about the techniques we will use, how to position yourself, the alternatives you have when choosing where to work with your child and how to prevent the most common mistakes. 



• The tools and supports you need.

• The techniques to use the ball and all the variations you might need.

• Possible mistakes and how to prevent them from happening. 

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The implementation plan:

This is UNIQUE to this program. We are giving a system to slowly integrate the fascia exercises in your daily life and the organizational tools you need to keep yourself on track!



• The program layout day by day, so all you need to do is follow it, at your own pace. 

• Downloadable cheat-sheets that will keep you organized as you execute the program. 

Esto es lo que dicen nuestras familias 

Esto es lo que dicen nuestras familias 

  • Desarrollar control de cabeza y tronco

  • Reducir espasticidad y regular el tono muscular

  • Promover movimientos más naturales

  • Mejorar la postura

  • Organizar el sistema sensorial

  • Regular las funciones vitales

  • Mejorar la calidad de vida

You will get progressive access to your course during the period of 3 weeks (2 or 3 modules per week, depending on the content) and if you follow the system, it will take you 4 weeks to have fully implemented the whole program with your child (remember, we are starting slowly to allow you and your child time to get used to this work). 


 When we drip the content, we are giving you actionable steps that will help you learn and implement the content without feeling overwhelmed by it.

Esto es lo que dicen nuestras familias 

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WeFlow's Essential Fascia Therapy for Cerebral Palsy is the most comprehensive, step-by-step implementation online program for parents that want to learn how to work with their kid's fascia.


During the first 7 days, you will have access to the introductory unit of the course and the first 2 modules. You will get to learn about the structure of the course, the mindset, the concepts behind this approach and you will learn how to assess your child's fascial system. 


We want you to be satisfied with your purchase and to know you are committed to learn the strategies and help your child. WeFlow Inc. provides a  7-day money-back guarantee for the program, subject to specific terms. Please refer to our complete Terms and Conditions for more details. 

Esto es lo que dicen nuestras familias 

Esto es lo que dicen nuestras familias 

Esto es lo que dicen nuestras familias 

Esto es lo que dicen nuestras familias 

Esto es lo que dicen nuestras familias 

Esto es lo que dicen nuestras familias 

Esto es lo que dicen nuestras familias 

Esto es lo que dicen nuestras familias 

Esto es lo que dicen nuestras familias 

Esto es lo que dicen nuestras familias 

Esto es lo que dicen nuestras familias 

Esto es lo que dicen nuestras familias 

Esto es lo que dicen nuestras familias 

Esto es lo que dicen nuestras familias 

Esto es lo que dicen nuestras familias 

We are still learning about the human body. The models are changing, the strategies to help are getting better and better and we are evolving in our understanding of how a child can heal and develop. These concepts might be ”new” for some, but trust me, they are not! Don’t let anybody limit your child’s potential!


You have in your hand what you need to help your child. Fascia is the missing piece. But your will to fight for your child is what will make you succeed! You don’t want to ask one day “What if...” You don’t want to ever feel you haven’t tried hard enough. 


You are one step away from drastically changing how you help your child… trust your gut. If this makes sense to you, then join me on this journey. You can count on me as your guide!

Everyone thought we were crazy. Working with the...what...fascia?? What is that? Sponges? Foam? And “exercise” each day? These things could really change the structure of a child with severe cerebral palsy?!? When my preemie son came home from the NICU... I met Mariana. She had a way of taking the time to explain things. Making sense of fascia and how it can help our son. So, for me, it was a no-brainer to try. A little over one year (and lots of fascia therapy later), I really can’t put into words how happy I am. Our son is changing right before our eyes and it’s just amazing. Even our regular physical therapist told me she is witnessing our son do things she never expected from her 35 years of experience! I truly believe Mariana is an integral part of shifting the face of CP! She is so dedicated to her work and her families. I just don’t know what we would do without her!


Janet J.

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I personally cannot wait to guide you for the next 4 months!

Learning about fascia changed me! It changed how I see the kids, how I talk to them, how I help them.


I’ve experienced first hand what it feels like to transition from “treating the problems” to “trusting” the ability EVERY CHILD has to heal and to develop.


More than anything else, I want to share that with you today. 


I know you are in the quest of finding the best alternatives to help your child. You owe it to yourself to at least take a risk-free plunge to see what being empowered with knowledge and skills can do for your child’s development. 


When we understand your child’s body from a different perspective, which includes fascia, and when we learn about the key mechanisms that will help them heal and thrive, we focus on them and we boost their development. I trust your child. You should too. 


Should you choose to accept my invitation, I personally guarantee that these following months will be life-changing for you and your child. 


I look forward to meeting you inside the Essential Fascia Therapy for CP program.


Yours truly,



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