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CoreFlow Program

Come, learn and and help your child!

You will

come for a

2-days session,

every 4 to 6 months

You can learn powerful routines so they can help their kids with Cerebral Palsy go beyond expectations.

Help Your Child

This customized program provides all the knowledge and tools needed to empower the parents on how to promote the full developmental potential of their child.


It includes:


• Online learning material to fully understand the approach.

• Extensive assessment where a video is taken for future references and analysis.

• Specific treatment under the scope of Manual Osteopathy, Craniosacral Therapy, Visceral and Neural Manipulation.

• Ideas to play at home: Playful movements to let the child experience the newly gained flow and learn from it. 

• Private training session of soft and passive techniques to address the fascial system. These are the techniques parents will deliver daily at home for the following 4-6 months. 

• Tools and video instructions needed to deliver the program at home (positioning aids or body supports are not included).

• 1 free online follow-up session 6 weeks after the training.

• Free email consultation.


Once at home, the parents deliver the passive techniques daily (1.5 to 2-hour sessions that can be split in 20 – 30-minute increments).


The content of the home-based program is designed to be delivered for 4-6 months.

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